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Instrument Installation Services recognises that the management of health and safety at the workplace takes priority over other operational considerations and is a shared responsibility between all company personnel.
It is the policy of Instrument Installation Services to provide and maintain a healthy and safe work environment for employees, subcontractors, customers and visitors.
Instrument Installation Services is committed to compliance with the South Australian Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 and has adopted AS/NZS 4801:2001 as our Health and Safety management system standard to ensure a planned and systematic approach to health and safety management.
Continuous improvement will be achieved by the ongoing development, implementation, maintenance and monitoring of appropriate policies and systems of work that provide guidance and instruction to all company personnel and subcontractors in accordance with industry, customer and community standards and expectations.
Managers and Supervisors will provide leadership and support, be accountable for implementation of healthy and safe work practices and recognise good safety performance.
Instrument Installation Services undertakes to:
 provide and maintain so far as is reasonably practicable a safe working environment, safe systems of work, plant and substances in a safe condition and adequate facilities for the welfare of employees at each workplace under the control and management of Instrument Installation Services
 ensure hazards and risks to health and safety are identified, assessed and effectively controlled
 provide appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision as are reasonably necessary to ensure that each employee is safe from injury and risks to health while at work
 provide mechanisms to enable personnel and their representatives to be consulted on matters that may affect health and safety
 ensure incidents and accidents are reported, investigated and followed up to prevent recurrence
Personnel have a responsibility to:
 protect their own safety and not adversely affect the health and safety of any other person through any act or omission
 obey any reasonable instruction aimed at protecting their health and safety
 comply with the requirements of relevant health and safety policy and procedures
 consider and provide feedback on any matters that may affect health and safety
 assist in the identification of workplace hazards, the assessment of risks and the implementation of risk control measures
 use and maintain any equipment provided to protect their health and safety
This policy will be achieved at all levels within our company by the application of healthy and safe workplace practices driven by committed management and personnel.
Keith Wildman Managing Director

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